Wii Fit

The Nintendo Wii fit is a revolutionary new interactive gaming machine that makes you work out while your playing a video game. It uses a unique platform peripheral called the Wii Balance Board that can measure the gamers weight and their center of gravity. It can also calculate your body mass index BMI, after putting your height into the software.

There are about 40 games and activities that you can play, including yoga, push-up type exercises as well as balance games like ski Jumping and slalom.

Wii was an immediate hit, selling over a quarter of a million copies in its first week in Japan, before even being released to the rest of the world. In the US stock was sold out before it even arrived on the shores.

The Wii has a place for all fitness levels as it concentrates on balance and core strength as well as basic body weight exercises. That being said, don't expect to grow 20 inch arms with this one. But it sounds like a lot of fun all the same. Wii Fit has been available in Australia since early May.

The Wii Fit in action!