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Bodypart Exercise log
In order to create a challenging and interesting resistance program it helps to mix up the exercises from time to time. Here is a list of bodypart exercises which Ive arranged from largest bodypart to smallest bodypart.
Legs - Quads
Squats executed with a barbell
Front Squats - Squats done with the barbell held on the shoulders in the front
Leg-press machine
Uni-Lateral Leg presses (One leg at a time)
Lunges executed with a barbell
Lunges executed with a dumbbell.
Leg Extensions. These can be done uni lateral.
Hack Squat
Legs - Hams
Deadlifts. There are several ways to execute deadlifts, Stiff Leg, Sumo, Bent knee. You can also use variations with either a barbell or dumbbells.
Hamstring Curl (Standing, lying)
Wide feet leg press puts more emphasis on the hams and glutes.
Legs - Calves
Standing Calf Raise
Donkey Press
Seated Calf raise
Toe press on Leg press machine (Uni or together)
Chins, behind the neck with a wide grip
Chins, wide grip bar to the chest
Chins, close grip bar to the chest
Machine Pull-downs
Barbell Rows
Reverse grip Bar rows
T-bar Rows
One arm dumbbell Row
Cable Rows
Pull overs
Seated Row
Lower back exercises:
Back extensions
Lower back bows
Barbell bench press. Flat, incline or decline
Dumbbell Presses. Flat, incline or decline
Wide grip Dips with elbows pointing away from the body
Dumbbell Fly's. Flat, incline or decline
Cable crossovers; These can be done standing, lying down, uni-lateral etc.
There are many variations on chest exercises through machine presses.
Shoulder presses
Shoulder presses executed in the front (military style)
Shoulder presses using a machine or smith machine
Dumbbell shoulder presses
Shoulder presses a.k.a Arnold press
Clean and press exercise
Frontal dumbbell raises
Side/Lateral raises while standing
Cross cable lateral raises with one arm
Side cable lateral raises with one arm
Cross cable lateral raises while seated (with one arm)
Cable laterals executed bent over while standing
Dumbbell laterals with palms turned outwards (standing)
Dumbbell/barbell Shrugs
You can do these uni laterally with DB's with the bar you can have the bar in front of the body or behind. The trick is not to 'roll' your shoulders, Just up and down in a variety of angles works best.
Barbell curls
Preacher Curls
Platoon curls
Seated Dumbbell Curls
Hammer Curls
Alternate Dumbbell Curls
Concentration Curls
Cable Curls
Reverse Grip Curls
Triceps press-downs. Straight bar, rope etc.
Presses done while sitting
Skull crushers or French Press
Close grip bench press
Kick Backs
Dumbbell overhead triceps extensions
Dips with elbows by your side
Curls done with a barbell sitting down (wristcurls)
Alternate wristcurls with dumbbells
Curls done behind the back with a barbell (wristcurls)
Barbell wristcurls with an overhand grip
Dumbbell wristcurls with an overhand grip
Abdominal (Abs)
Simple crunches
Crunches done twisting the torso
Crunches done on a vertical bench
Reverse Crunches done while hanging
Bent knee reverse crunches
Kneeling crunches done with cables
Leg tucks on a horizontal bench
Oblique exercises:
Twists while seated (Be sure to use an unweighted aid for this like a broomstick)
Twists while bent over
Straight leg leg-raises done on a horizontal bench
Leg-raises done on a horizontal bench with bent knees
Leg-raises done on a vertical bench with bent knees
Bent-knee leg-raises twisting and hanging off a bar
Additional abdominal exercises:
Sit ups on the roman chair
Leg-raises done sideways
Kicking back on a horizontal bench
Drawing the belly in, for a vacuum
Bodypart exercise log