Arguably, one of the most contested topics between infomercials on Australian TV is weight loss. Magic pills, super powders, supplements, new machines, creams, even clothing that is suppose to aid in losing fat.
Is there a simple, truthful way to lose fat? You'd be surprised to know that there is. Storing fat is simply your bodies natural response to poor eating habits and well, over eating. And here's some good news, if working out is not your thing then simply changing the way you eat will help you to start losing weight immediately.
Here is the secret that no TV commercial wants you to hear. To lose weight, all you have to do is eat less calories than you burn. You're probably asking yourself, 'Yes, but how many calories do I need? How many am I burning?
Let me introduce the Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR. This is the minimum amount of calories your body requires to subsist. That means doing absolutely nothing and by absolutely nothing I mean that, like laying in bed ALL day. The average man needs about 1800-2200 calories and a woman about 1200-1500 calories. This does not represent age, level of activity, height or weight, it is simply an average.
There is no exact amount for each person. I personally have a fast metabolism and require closer to 3000 calories a day just to stay a certain weight, if I throw in strenuous activities I could probably take that to 3500. That's eating reasonably healthy. However someone with a slower metabolism could easily survive on 2500 calories including working, and other activities. The BMR can only offer a ballpark for you to experiment with. That being said, 2500 to 3000 calories of whole foods, meaning good quality, low fat, low sugar, is quite a lot of food.
You can find a Calorie counter here to try.
The important thing is to be patient and experiment. Obviously working out will speed up your results. There are also some products on the market that again can assist, but nothing beats consistency and hard work. Notice how you feel, use the mirror and a tape measure over the scales, play with the number of calories you consume. There is no right or wrong on the amount it is just trial and error.
Good luck